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Committee workshops

Copyrights and Personality Rights





Geographical Indications

International Intellectual Property Law

Software, Computer Law and Internet

Technology Transfer and Franchising

Plant Varieties

Intellectual Property Related to Sport

Competition Law

Industrial Design


Gala Dinner at the Copacabana Palace Hotel

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Opening Session

Opening Session – Intellectual Property in the Supreme Court

Plenary Sessions

Plenary Session I – The Knowledge Society: IP as a Key Factor for Innovation

Plenary Session II – Development and Challenges of IP in the World

Plenary Session III – Relevance of IP on High Tech Devices

Plenary Session IV – IP Dispute Resolution – Activities of ABPI ABPI Chambers

Plenary Session V – Harmonization Perspectives for IP in Latin America


Panel 1 – International IP Law: New Paths

Panel 2- Nullity and Infringement Actions: Strategies in Courts

Panel 3 – World Cup and Olympic Games: Issues of Ownership and Ambush Marketing

Panel 4 - Technology Transfer - New Forms of Knowledge Acquisition

Panel 5 – The Distribution of Audiovisual Work Online

Panel 6 – Patentability Criteria for Biological Products

Panel 7 – Plain Packaging: What’s Left of Trademarks With Generic Packaging?

Panel 8 - Patents & Standards: Boundaries Between IP and Compettion Law

Panel 9 – Biotechnological Innovation and Plant Varieties: Protection and Appropriation in Agribusiness

Panel 10 – Geographical Indications – From Tradition to Innovation

Panel 11- Intellectual Property Infringement as an Act of Unfair Competition

Panel 12 – Best Technical and Management Practices of the Patent Department

Panel 13 – Well-Known Marks: New Rules in Courts

Panel 14 – Copyright Protection on Press Content: Extension of Protection for Online Publishing

Panel 15 – Industrial Secret vs. Freedom of Information Act – a Contradiction?

Panel 16 – Patents and Litigation – Brazil, Europe and United States – Major Changes Underway

Break 1

Break 2